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Resources for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


On this page, you will find a collection of resources on the topic of diversity, assembled by Steve Davis, Founder and CEO of The Institute for Human Relations, Bill Ivey at Stoneleigh Burnham School, Heather Flewelling of Milton Academy and Carol Dopp at Holderness School.  If you know of a resource you don't see here and which you believe would be helpful to others, please send us an email letting us know (


N.B. We are working to ensure that there are also diversity resources for each discipline on the page for that discipline.


To help you make the most of this list of resources, I have included a link to so you can read the reviews and get more information about individual texts. 


Racial Diversity



Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation






Relationship Building

Other resources: Podcasts, Twitter, Blogs 
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